Friday, February 20, 2009

Ah School vacation week


Today is the last day of winter break, so we got one more day of climbing outdoors. It was a send-fest at the Near Trapps today as JP sent his first V6 (Out of the Ashes), and Ben and I both sent 2 V6s (Ashes, Cream Cheese) and a V8 (The Pearl).
The weather was chilly but not terrible. Really couldn't ask for a more successful day.
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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Outdoors in CO


After our weekend of indoor comps was over, we made the most of our time in such a beautiful climbing state, by heading outdoors.
First we hit up the Satellite Boulders in the Flatirons. After completing the maze of trails to find the boulders, Ben worked the V9 Turning Point. JP and I sent a V4 and worked a few V6s. It was chilly and a bit snowy (nothing like NY) but we got a good session in.

Monday was a beautiful day and we headed up to the Millennium Boulder outside of Morrison. We got the recommendation from the fellas at the Satellites and scoped it out online that night. What we found was an unbelievable glacial erratic just sitting out in a field. This boulder had one and two finger pockets dotted here and there. There were sharp crimps, textured slopers, great top outs and very hard problems. The weather was perfect, the hike in wasn't too bad (about 20-25 minutes of relatively flat terrain) and the others climbing there were enjoyable company.

After such a great day, we all left really amped for spring to arrive in NY sometime soon.
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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Results from Nationals


We had an incredible time out in Colorado this weekend. It was nice to fly out on Wednesday night and have Thurs and Fri to acclimatize before climbing hard.
On Saturday morning at The Spot, Luke completed his qualifying round strong enough to secure a place in finals.
From there we ran over to The Boulder Rock Club for the Citizen's Comp. JP climbed strong and finished 4th in Intermediate, as probably the youngest in his category. I finished 9th in Advanced, which I was happy with as well.
As soon as the Citizen's Comp ended, we ran Ben back to the Spot for his qualifying round. Ben was the very last competitor of the day to go, so he was left with the greasiest holds. He did his best against very strong competition, but missed the cut for finals.
On Sunday morning, Luke competed in finals, finishing the first problem and making good progress on the second. He finished 8th overall, which is a great showing.
It was an incredible experience to be a part of. A real wake up call to how much stronger we can really be if we put our minds to it.
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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Nationals here we come

Today we'll be heading out to the indoor bouldering National Championships in (fittingly) Boulder, Colorado. Luke was invited to compete in the Youth B division (13-14) and Ben in the Junior division (17-18). There will be qualifiers on Saturday and Finals on Sunday.

JP and I have entered the Citizen's Competition which will also be on Saturday. We'll do a little bit of running around so that we can watch everyone and compete in the same day (two different gyms a few blocks apart).

Following the competition we'll have a day to do some outdoor climbing before we fly back on Tuesday morning.

The trip should be relaxing for the first few days while we get acclimated to the higher elevation, but then pick up in a whirlwind of activity.

We'll post the results as soon as we receive them.

Wish us luck.

Monday, February 9, 2009

A few 'great??' days out

The team has gotten out to Great Barrington and the Gunks the lat two weekends.

We went to GB not knowing what we would find for conditions. What we found wasn't great. All of our intended routes had ice on many of the holds. We were able to do some eliuminates, but no one topped anything out all day. Ben worked a V9 called Filter. I worked a few V7s (Green Goddess and one on the Filter wall). JP, Kyle and Luke worked a few things as well, but like I said, no one could claim a 'send' that day.

This past weekend was another story. JP started the 'send train' by dispensing with his first outdoor V4 - The Andrew Boulder Problem. Congrats JP. Ben kept the train rolling by completing a V6 - The Following - second try. Then Michael polished off a V8 - The Art of Nothing and a V6 - Merrakesh Express. I had a few repeat sends and made good progress on the V6s, but no new sends.

Wish the picture was bigger for you.