Sunday, November 16, 2008

Rhode Island Rock Gym Nov. 9

Wow! This comp was insane. 130 registered competitors jammed into like a 20x30 foot area. JP, Ben and I waited in line for like 15 minutes each time we wanted to get on a climb. It was very difficult to do well when you couldn't workout the moves on the route. You fall, you're done for another 15 minutes.
JP did really well. Tallying the high score of the three of us and taking 3rd in his Youth B division. I finished second in the Intermediate category and Ben took second in Juniors.
We were pretty disappointed about how the comp was organized and learned a few things to remember when we host a comp at Electric City in January.
Another disappointment came when I brought my disposable camera to be developed and found out that there was only one picture on the roll.

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