Columbus Day is an incredible day for outdoor climbing. The cool temps are incredible, the leaves are falling, the crowds are low.
Today we hit up Triple Right outside of New Paltz for an unbelievable day. We were all still a bit sore from Saturday's session, but we couldn't pass up this perfect/available day.
We began with warming up around the Neapolitan boulder. Many sent this namesake V3, I was able to stick the V5 dyno to the left and JP did a nice linkup of the two (left to right). We then moved on to Gillette a dyno V6 and Mach 3 the sit start V9. Ben and Michael worked the harder route for a bit while JP, Kyle and I worked the V6.
After many tries, I snagged the blind throw for my second dyno send of the day. If you know anything about my climbing style, dynos are not in that repetroire. I'm a trad climber by trade and I like things static and with both feet on. I was psyched to have stuck two harder dynos in a day.
From there we moved over to Dydactic Tactics. Michael made good progress on Lactic (the lower start) and got to the slopy lip. Ben worked up it quite a ways, but Kyle and I had trouble getting to the midway rest.
Our final jaunt was doing laps on Captain Bring Me Down V5. Some sent the whole thing, others started at various spots to work out moves. Some ran laps eliminating holds and others played on nearby problems. It was a great area to get a final burn in, as the routes are overhanging with decent holds to get a good last pump going.
I can't wait for more fall climbing. Heres to hoping the next few weekends are dry.
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