We all knew it was coming sooner or later. Yes the snow has fallen over NY and blanketed many/all of our favorite climbing destinations. Chasing of the sun begins.
On Saturday we read the weather forecast first thing in the morning and decided that with the southerly storm, heading north would be the best idea. We met up with a few friends who showed us the lines on the Caroga Lake boulder. There were a few decent goes and some working of the hard problems before we broke for lunch and headed over to 9 Corners.
JP and I had our sights on Thorazine (V8), just about the most beautiful line at 9. After a few goes we were able to link up to the top move but before we could get the send, the snow began to fall and covered the tricky/slopey top out. As soon as the snow melts on it, it should go. (The final problem in the top video on the right is Ben on Thorazine this past summer)
Ben and Michael worked the unrepeated V11 on the same boulder. Overburdened begins with a V11 traverse into a V8 finish. Michael was able to link through all the V11 moves but was unable to go for the send as again the snow covered the top. Ben came up with some interesting and very powerful beta that may get him through those V11 moves (as he is much shorter than Michael).
All in all, we made a decent day of it, considering the amount of time we were hiding under the overhanging boulder to stay out of the snow.
After the large snowstorm we got on Wednesday, this weekend it is still up in the air whether we go to a comp or venture outdoors and shovel our way to the boulder.
Tis the SENDING season
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