Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Nor'easter Climbing Festival (Saturday)

The SECT was not so eager to give up on our climbing for the weekend. We woke up early and hopped on the first bus over to the mountain. As I suspected, there were plenty of routes dry enough to keep us busy. We spent the entire morning climbing on the most impressive crag at Rumney. We really had to push ourselves on the harder routes which stayed dryer then all the moderates. In the afternoon, we went back down the hill and found some bouldering to attempt. Much of it was wet, but there were plenty of people trying to make the best of it and climb anyway. We finished the climbing day with a nice moderate that somehow stayed dry down near the parking lot and then hopped the bus back to the Tenney Mountain basecamp.

For an hour or so before dinner, we roamed around and chatted with the pros. They were surprised that we had found dry routes and seemed disappointed that they hadn't wandered up to climb as well. After an incredible homemade pizza dinner, we went back up and listened to music in the rain until 10pm before retiring to the van.

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