Monday, September 29, 2008

Nor'easter climbing festival (Friday)

EMS put on what was supposed to be a festival for climbing, music and conservation. The Shiloh's Edge Climbing Team (SECT) was psyched to attend. Despite the rain, rain and more rain, we had a great time. The big climbing day was supposed to be Saturday, with nearly a dozen of the top professional climbers competing on outdoor routes and running clinics. However, because of all the rain Friday night they canceled the climbing activities and showed slide shows Saturday morning.

While most folks were setting up their tents in the rain and camping in the mud, we decided to take "Uncle Rico" up to the festival, take out the back seat, and all sleep in there. It was really a blessing to have this vehicle, despite it's age, rust and gas consumption. The guys are very much in love with "Rico" now and have already named new routes at the gym after the 1991 Chevy Beauville with 144,000 miles.

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